NOTE: All times are given as CST, Central Standard Time (GMT -6)* All film screenings are accessible to the Deaf and hard-of-hearing, using ASL interpreters, or embedded text or captioning.* All American Sign Language (ASL) programs are captioned, voiced or interpreted in English
12:00-1:00 The Video Jukebox- Presented By: Ian Gibbins
A collection of videos from current and past Festival curators, presenters and judges.
1:00-2:00 Juried Screenings (1 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
2:00-3:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
7:00-8:00 The Video Jukebox - Presented By: Ian Gibbins
A collection of videos from current and past Festival curators, presenters and judges.
8:00-9:00 Juried Screenings (1 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
9:00-10:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
12:00-1:00 Frame to Frames: Your Eyes Follow - Presented By: Sarah TremlettFive filmmakers talk about how one art form can inspire and revision another.
1:00-2:00 Juried Screenings (2 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
2:00-3:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival DirectorAudience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
7:00-8:00 Frame to Frames: Your Eyes Follow - Presented By: Sarah Tremlett
Five filmmakers talk about how one art form can inspire and revision another.
8:00-9:00 Juried Screenings (2 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
9:00-10:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
12:00-1:00 Moving Poems in the City - Presented By: Fiona Tinwei Lam, Alger Ji-Liang
These twelve poetry videos created for the Vancouver Poet Laureate’s City Poems Project are based on place-based poems about historical and cultural sites in Vancouver, CA.
1:00-2:00 Juried Screenings (3 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
2:00-3:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
7:00-8:00 Moving Poems in the City - Presented By: Fiona Tinwei Lam, Alger Ji-Liang
These twelve poetry videos created for the Vancouver Poet Laureate’s City Poems Project are based on place-based poems about historical and cultural sites in Vancouver, CA.
8:00-9:00 Juried Screenings (3 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
9:00-10:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
12:00-1:00 ASL Video- Presented By: Douglas Ridloff
1:00-2:00 Juried Screenings (4 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
2:00-3:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
7:00-8:00 ASL Video - Presented By: Douglas Ridloff
8:00-9:00 Juried Screenings (4 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
9:00-10:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
12:00-5:00 Juried Screenings - Audience Voting
1:00-2:00 ASL Poetry - Panel Discussion
2:00-3:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Discussion about ASL poetry
6:30-7:30 Juried Screenings - Announce Winners
7:30-8:30 ASL Poetry - Panel Discussion
8:30-9:30 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Discussion about ASL poetry
922 Holman St , Houston, TX 77002
1:00-1:30 DOORS
1:30-2:00 Open Mic
2:00-3:00 GEOPOETICON with Odveig Klyve & Bjørn Gulbrandsen (Norway)
Short poetry films crossing borders of language, politics and geography, including the film"Does your handshake, Vladimir?" where voices from all over the world are heard.
3:00-4:00 I Didn't Die That Day with Helen Dewbery (England)
Fragmented memories from London's underworld of prostitution; told in 3 voices and 12 poems plus discussion.
4:30-5:30 ASL Performance by Douglas Ridloff + Deaf Slam
5:30-6:30 Best of Fest (International) - Screening, Winning and Honorable mentions of poetry films and videos.
6:30-till? After Party - Everyone invited.
1:00-1:30 DOORS
1:30-2:00 Open Mic - Sign up sheet
2:00-3:15 Changing the World One Poem at a Time (Texas edition) with Pamela Falkenberg & Jack Cochran
Five poems from five renowned Texas activist poets -- J. Estanislao Lopez, Naomi Shihab Nye, Robin Davidson, Aris Kian Brown, and Lupe Mendez -- are transformed into video poetry plus live readings and Q&A with the poets, filmmakers, and audience.
3:15-4:00 Best Of ZEBRA -Presented By: Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel(Germany)
A selection of the best films based on poems by Natallia Arsiennieva, Simon Barraclough, Ariane von Grafenried, Tania Haberland or Cia Rinne from the 2020-2023 ZEBRA festival editions.
4:30-5:30 Location/Houston(Houston TX)A collaboration between Houston Poets and Houston Filmmakers commissioned by Public Poetry.
5:30-5:50 Sufi Poetry in American Sign Language and Dance - Performed By: Sabina EnglandAn ASL performance focused on the elements of nature, water, air, fire and earth. Based on Sufi Poets and her own work.
5:50-6:10 Jabberwocky in American Sign Language (ASL) - Performed By: Heba Toulan
Different versions of this classical nonsense poem by various ASL artist.
6:10-6:30 Festival Winners - Best 4 Videos selected by judges and audience
6:30-till? After Party - Everyone invited.