NOTE: All times are given as CST, Central Standard Time (GMT -6)* All programs are accessible to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, using ASL interpreters, or embedded text or captioning.* All American Sign Language programs are captioned or interpreted in English
9:30-10:15 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival DirectorAudience, filmmakers and poets can drop in to chat & network online in real time
10:30-11:15 Juried Screenings (1 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
11:30-12:15 There And Not There - Curator:Laura Bianco - ItalyLives lived in parallel, overlapped or entangled in possibilities, in repetition, in fragments, in memories, in certain places, in between. Weaving and unravelling the threads of life
12:30-1:15 Voices – Poetry film-makers Helen Dewbery [England] and Colm Scully [Ireland], and poet-curator Eleanor Livingstone [Scotland] present 3 short poetry films to illustrate their craft talk exploring topics including memory, politics, layers and voices.
2:30-3:15 Expressions Presenters: Sabina England, Aarron Loggins Deaf arts conveyed in music, performance and poetry.
3:30-4:15 Québec Has Many Tongues Curators: Jonathan Lamy, Rachel McCrum– CanadaA showcase of poems, films, animations, languages, and landscapes of Québec, in French, English, Wendat, Romanian, Croatian, Galician (captioned in English), and sound poetry.
4:30-5:15 Ink Stained Fingertips Presenter: Crom Saunders ASL translations of written/spoken classic and contemporary poetry.
7:30-8:20 Juried Screenings (2 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
8:30-9:15 ASL Open Mic All Deaf open mic hosted by Sabina England
8:30-9:15 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival DirectorAudience, filmmakers and poets can drop in to chat & network online in real-time
11:30-12:15 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival DirectorAudience, filmmakers and poets can drop in to chat & network online in real-time
12:30-1:15 Juried Screenings (3 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
1:30- 2:15 21st Century ASL hosted by Crom Saunders (deaf) with Peter Cook (deaf), Sabina England (deaf), Douglas Ridloff (deaf) How has Deaf Poetry evolved in the 21st century and what will it look like in the future? Interpreted in English.
2:30 –3:15 Juried Screenings (4 of 4) Selected from Open Submissions
3:30-4:15 Evoke Curator: Estefanía Díaz – Mexico A program of Latin and Mexican films and videos, capturing poetry in moving images that cross the borders of reality into memories and dreamlike spaces.
4:30-5:15 Changing the world one poem at a time Curators: Pamela Falkenberg, Jack Cockran – Austin, Texas Activist video poems in all their myriad guises, running the gamut from issue-oriented work to deconstructive critique of form, content, and the blind spots of language
6:30-7:15 Ecopoetry Films & Subjectivity: Behind the Making Process Films by Ian Gibbins, Mary McDonald, and Sarah Tremlett about the devastating effects of climate change and discuss each other's work and their varying approaches in relation to the theme of ecopoetry and subjectivity.
8:30- 9:15 Awards Judges’ and Audience’s choice for cash awards plus screening the work of winners and honorable mentions
9:15-10:00 REELcafe - Host: Fran Sanders, Festival DirectorAudience, filmmakers, and poets can drop in to chat & network online in real-time